What You May Not Know About Drain Cleaners

Are liquid drain cleaners a pipe dream? Drain image on teal background.

Are liquid drain cleaners like Drano and hydrochloric acid the life hack we’ve all been waiting for? Do they really work on clogged up drain lines? We asked our drain experts what they think about liquid drain cleaners, and this is what they think.

Liquid drain cleaners can be a quick and easy fix for slow or clogged drains. But with most things that are fast and easy, there is a catch. It’s only a temporary solution, and the issue tends to return.

The Pros of Drain Cleaners

  •  Quick fix for slow drains
  •  Easy to use
  •  Inexpensive

The Cons of Drain Cleaners

  • Treats the symptoms instead of fixing the root cause
  • Corrosive
  • Does not remove clogs

What the Drain Cleaners Don’t Tell You

One of our plumbers’ big beefs with liquid drain cleaners is that they are often advertised as “clog pushers.” This isn’t strictly true. Drain cleaning fluid is corrosive, which means it actually “eats” away at clogs rather than pushing them.

Corrosive is a word that should make us pause and think. Corrosive liquids like drain products can’t tell the difference between a clog, plumbing fixtures, and fingers. They eat whatever they’re in contact with. This can weaken and cause damage to your plumbing. And as I’m sure you’ve already guessed, corrosive substances are a health hazard, especially if it gets in contact with your eyes.

Another product you might have been told to use is hydrochloric acid, also known as muriatic acid. Our plumbers strongly warn against using this product! The vapors are incredibly harmful, so it’s necessary to wear a respirator when using it. Acids like this have been known to cause severe burns and blindness if it comes into contact with your skin and eyes. For safety reasons, please don’t use this product unless you are professionally trained to do so. Just don’t do it.

The bottom line is that most liquid drain cleaners only treat the symptoms, not the root causes of drain clogs. Sometimes they even cause other problems. Your best bet when experiencing a clogged drain is to call a professional.

What the Pros Know

A drain expert will find the least invasive way to fix your clog problem. They’ll also find the root of the issues (which is sometimes literal roots). That way, you can fix the problem at the source and not just kick it down the road. You can trust a drain technician to remove the clog and reopen the flow of water safely. Bye-bye backed-up bathtub!

3 Easy Ways to Prevent Clogged Drains:

Obviously, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, especially when it comes to home emergencies. Our drain techs shared three easy, inexpensive ways to prevent clogs:

  1. Use a natural enzyme drain cleaner to prevent clogs from forming.
    Enzymes are healthy bacteria that spread through your drain system. They don’t remove clogs (because they’re non-corrosive) but they can certainly prevent a clog by eating at sludge and gunk inside your plumbing. TLC offers an enzyme product called Lenzyme. We’ve found it to be effective and safe. To order Lenzyme, give us a call at (505) 961-9644.
  2. Use a strainer over your drains.
    A drain strainer collects hair, large soap pieces, and food items so they don’t cause a traffic jam in your pipes. Simply throw away the debris it collects. You can find drain strainers at any home improvement store. A few bucks on a strainer could save you more bucks later.
  3. Use a pair of pliers to remove hair from the drain in your bathtub/shower.
    I know, nobody loves pulling out the nasty hairball that lives in your shower drain. But trust us, if you clean it out regularly, it will help your drains flow better for longer. And it only takes a few minutes! Simply insert needle-nosed pliers into your drain and remove whatever hair you can reach.

While popular liquid drain cleaners sound amazing and can sometimes help a little, just know that they are a temporary solution. Please exercise caution! They can be damaging not just to your plumbing but also to your health and safety. Your best bet is to call a professional to properly clean the clogged drain and solve the problem once and for all.

You can schedule a drain cleaning appointment online or give us a call at (505) 761-9644.