So if you have been researching furnaces you may also be thinking what kind of furnace should I buy? There are many quality reliable heating and cooling brands available. TLC installs all makes and models of furnaces. We are not an exclusive dealer for any one brand. Rather, we have relationships with the suppliers for all the brands available for residential and commercial HVAC systems. This allows us to make recommendations based on the needs of your home.
Things to consider:
In most cases, all of the reputable heating furnace brands have similar parts. They all have a heat exchanger, motor, and blower. Most of them offer similar energy efficiency rating options. So how do you choose a brand?
- Do your research.
- Talk to an HVAC professional.
- Discuss parts accessibility.
- Discuss features and concerns about comfort and reliability.
- We recommend getting multiple quotes (3).
Consult An HVAC Professional:
This may be more important than just picking a brand you are familiar with. Does this HVAC company or professional stand behind their craftsmanship? Do they warranty their installation? Will they be available to service your unit when needed? Do they provide a maintenance agreement for the new furnace? What is the average cost to repair a broken furnace?
These are all signs to look for when choosing an HVAC company to install your new furnace. If they are a fly by the night kind of company it may be difficult to resolve repairs or maintain your unit.
Bottom line, choose the furnace options from the company that provides you with the options that best fit your heating needs and your budget. A company that will stand behind their work and are reputable.
Download our free furnace buying guide:

This guide was designed to provide you with valuable information when replacing your furnace. If you are considering replacing your furnace get all the information you need to make an informed decision.